About the Culture Collective

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A group of people pose on top of a hill. There is a beautiful blue sky. Everyone is smiling and the person in the middle has their arms high in the air.

Culture Collective is a network of 26 participatory arts projects, shaped by local communities alongside artists and creative organisations. Funded by Scottish Government through Creative Scotland, these projects are taking place across Scotland from March 2021-October 2023.

From Shetland to Inverclyde, Aberdeen to Hawick, each unique project is designed and driven by the community in which it is rooted, playing an important part in shaping the future cultural life of Scotland. Some projects are working to creatively engage with older community members; some provide opportunities for young women and non-binary people to find their voices; and others address disconnection, loneliness and mental health in a post-lockdown world.

For the projects themselves, the Culture Collective provides a network: opportunities to share resources, learning and experiences. For the sector as a whole, the Culture Collective shines a light on the crucial importance of participatory arts projects for artists, for communities and for the future.

Mu ar deidhinn

‘S e lìonradh de 26 pròiseactan ealain compàirteachaidh a tha ann an Co-chomann Cultair, air an cumadh le coimhearsnachdan ionadail, còmhla ri luchd-ealain agus buidhnean cruthachail. Gam maoineachadh le maoin èiginn COVID-19 Righaltas na h-Alba tro Alba Chruthachail, tachraidh na pròiseactan seo air feadh Alba bhon Mhàrt 2021 chun an Damhair 2023.

Bho Shealtainn gu Inbhir Chluaidh, bho Obar Dheathain gu Hamhaig, tha gach pròiseact air leth ga dhealbhadh is ga stiùradh leis a’ choimhearsnachd sa bheil a fhreumhan, a’ cluich pàirt chudromach ann an cumadh beatha chultarach na h-Alba san àm ri teachd. Bidh cuid a phròiseactan ag obair airson gabhail gu cruthachail ri seann daoine sa choimhearsnachd; bheir cuid an cothrom do bhoireannaich òga is do dhaoine a tha neo-ghnèitheach an guth a chur an cèill; agus dèiligidh cuid ri cion dàimh, aonaranachd agus slàinte inntinn san t-saoghal an dèidh àm a’ ghlasaidh. Do na pròiseactan fhèin, tha Co-chomann Cultair a’ tabhann lìonraidh: cothroman air goireasan, ionnsachadh is eòlas a roinn eatorra. Airson na roinne air fad, deàrrsaidh Co-chomann Cultair solas air cho fìor-chudromach ‘s a tha pròiseactan ealain compàirteachaidh do luchd-ealain, do choimhearsnachdan agus don àm ri teachd.