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EVOLVE, an 18-month creative regeneration project based in the Seedhill area of Paisley, will build on existing community momentum gained during the Seedhill Urban Growing and Recycling project (SUGaR) 2016-2019. Through an artist in residency programme, bi-weekly creative workshops, events and the use of green and underused spaces, residents will have the opportunity to regularly connect with creative practitioners. Our aspirations are to inspire and unlock community potential, to create a sense of place, celebrate local identity and renew pride in the area while developing a creative vision.
The creative practitioners taking part in this project are:
- Seamus Killick
- Nicola Stead
- Indie McCue
- Maya Rose Edwards
- Marie-Claire Lacey
- David Glabraith
- Robyn Woolston
- Moira Salt
- Esmee Balcewicz
- Thom Scullion
- Emma Shaw AKA Empress MC
- Tosh/Tragic O’Hara
- Skyler Ridewood
Project Locations: